Building Forms That Adapt to the Natural Environment

Sigrid Adriaenssens, associate professor of civil and environmental engineering, presented “Building Forms That Adapt to the Natural Environment” for our final talk in the fall 2021 HMEI Faculty Seminar Series.

Adriaenssens discussed the challenge of designing lightweight structural systems that are conducive to a resilient and sustainable built environment, but must be implemented at large spatial scales over periods of decades to centuries. Adriaenssens — whose research focuses on the mechanics and design of slender large-span shells and membranes under extreme natural loading — has innovated structural and architectural systems ranging from adaptive shading devices for buildings, to coastal storm-surge barriers.

Ning Lin, associate professor of civil and environmental engineering, led a discussion and Q&A after the main presentation.

Building Forms That Adapt to the Natural Environment

Publish Date

December 7, 2021


Sigrid Adriaenssens

Video Length


Sigrid Adriaenssens, associate professor of civil and environmental engineering, presented “Building Forms That Adapt to the Natural Environment” for our final talk in the fall 2021 HMEI Faculty Seminar Series.

Adriaenssens discussed the challenge of designing lightweight structural systems that are conducive to a resilient and sustainable built environment, but must be implemented at large spatial scales over periods of decades to centuries. Adriaenssens — whose research focuses on the mechanics and design of slender large-span shells and membranes under extreme natural loading — has innovated structural and architectural systems ranging from adaptive shading devices for buildings, to coastal storm-surge barriers.

Ning Lin, associate professor of civil and environmental engineering, led a discussion and Q&A after the main presentation.