Elke Weber

Headshot of Elke Weber

216 Andlinger Center




Gerhard R. Andlinger Professor in Energy and the Environment. Professor of Psychology and the School of Public and International Affairs. Director, Fung Global Fellows Program.

Research Interests

Decisions in a social and physical environment; human decisions that impact sustainability and the natural environment; social networks, norms and norm violation; accelerating change and creating behavioral tipping points; responses to energy and environmental technology and policy; and tools and scale development.

Related Media and Press Coverage

Articles about Weber’s work with the U.S. Navy to integrate a change in the way Navy men and women at all levels use energy:

Articles about Weber’s work on the role of legacy motives in people’s environmental decisions:

Articles about Weber’s work on the benefits of crystallized intelligence for financial and other real-world choices made by older decision makers, which offsets losses in fluid intelligence: