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Rubenstein Coauthors National Research Council Report on Wild Horse and Burro Program

June 7, 2013 ・ Igor Heifetz

Date:  June 5, 2013 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: New Report Offers Science-Based Strategies for Management of Western Free-Ranging Horses and Burros; ‘Business-as-Usual’ Practices Will Be Increasingly Expensive and Unproductive for BLM WASHINGTON — The U.S. Bureau of Land Management’s (BLM) current…

Conference Explores Environmental Humanities in a Changing World

April 11, 2013 ・ Holly Welles

Rarely do photographers, artistic directors, musicians, novelists, poets, scientists, engineers, and scholars in religion, philosophy, and literature come together for two full-days to explore an emerging field of mutual interest. Such a unique gathering took place during Princeton University’s conference…

S.O.S. sign written in beach sand near beach waves hahaha

Exploring the Intersection of Cosmology, Ecology, and Ethics

December 13, 2012 ・ Nick DiUlio for the Princeton Environmental Institute

Environmental awareness comes in many forms. Often, it is shaped by an understanding of science or public policy, but it also can be informed by religion.  Rarely, however, do all three of these perspectives intersect at once—and that is the…

Socolow Essay on the Truths We Must Tell Ourselves to Manage Climate Change

December 7, 2012 ・ Holly Welles

Cli­mate change is unwel­come news, and the best and worst out­comes con­sis­tent with cur­rent sci­ence are very dif­fer­ent, says Prince­ton University’s Robert Socolow, pro­fes­sor of mechan­i­cal and aero­space engi­neer­ing, in a new review arti­cle pub­lished in the Van­der­bilt Law Review. …

Socolow Honored for Environmental Achievement

July 13, 2010 ・ Dana Ricci

Robert Socolow (Photo: Brian Wilson) Robert Socolow, a Princeton professor of mechanical and aerospace engineering, has received the Keystone Award for Leadership in the Environment, which recognizes contributions to solving society’s environmental problems. Socolow received the award at a June…