Grand Challenges Highlights: Fall/Winter 2009
December 31, 2009 ・ Carol PetersNow in its third year of funding, the Grand Challenges Initiative, administered by PEI in collaboration with the Woodrow Wilson School and the School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, has created a diverse research and scholarship endeavor. Below are a…
Research & Center Fall/Winter 2009
December 31, 2009 ・ Carol PetersCarbon Mitigation Initiative Craig Arnold, associate professor of MAE, becomes acting co-director of CMI while Rob Socolow is on sabbatical during 2009–2010. CMI announces new members of the CMI Advisory Council: Dallas Burtraw, Senior Fellow, Resources for the Future; Michael…
Going Underground for a Climate Solution
December 14, 2009 ・ Chris EmeryCatherine Peters, an associate professor of civil and environmental engineering, tours the Homestake Mine in South Dakota, where she plans to test whether the greenhouse gas carbon dioxide can be stored safely underground. (Photo: Bill Harlan/Sanford Underground Laboratory) Hoping to…