Seminar Topics Speaker(s)
Sept. 17

The Geometry of Ecosystems in a Changing World

Corina Tarnita, Associate Professor of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
Oct. 1

Climatic Influences on Tropical Cyclones and Their Severity

Gabriel Vecchi, Professor of Geosciences and the Princeton Environmental Institute
Nov. 5

Power from Weakness: Enhancing Lithium-ion Performance Through Piezoelectrochemical Stress

Craig Arnold, Susan Dod Brown Professor of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering and Director of the Princeton Institute for the Science and Technology of Materials (PRISM)

Dec. 3

Sustainable Urban Food Systems and Food Action Planning in the U.S. and India

Anu Ramaswami, Sanjay Swani ’87 Professor of India Studies; Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering, the Princeton Institute for International and Regional Studies, and the Princeton Environmental Institute; and Director of the M.S. Chadha Center for Global India