Last Name First Name Major Adviser Title
Amatya Amy GEO Frederik Simons Receiver Function Analysis of the Mantle Transition Zone Beneath Cape Verde
Bickenbach Pablo COS Olga Russakovsky Computer Vision for Wildlife Conservation: A Detection and Classification Pipeline for Camera Trap Images
Bruce Janaya MOL José Avalos, Robert Toonen How Do Coral Reefs Respond to Climate Change? Investigating the Role of Symbiodiniaceae Community Composition on Coral Performance Under Long-Term Exposure to Warming and Acidification
Conrad Casey GEO Michael Oppenheimer Bowling Green as the Achilles Heel: An Updated Analysis of New York City’s Subway System in Response to Predicted Sea Level Rise
Conte Will SPIA Tim Searchinger Reconceptualizing the Farmer Tenure Contract for a Greener Tomorrow
Culley Sasha ECO Christopher Neilson The Renewables Policy Showdown: Comparing the Effects of Feed-In Tariffs and Renewable Energy Certificates on Australian Residential Solar Photovoltaic System Installations
Emi Lindsay ENG Michael Dickman Commodities and Curios in the American West: Postcard photography and the anti-civilizing activism of George Wharton James (1858-1923)
Gliwa Christopher CEE Mark Zondlo A Retrospective Analysis of Industrial Benzene Emissions in Rutherford, New Jersey
Harisay Julia SPIA Emily Pronin What’s the Beef with the Media: The Effects of Social and Traditional Media on Biased Assimilation and Attitude Polarization on the Issue of Livestock Production and Climate Change
Ilhardt Julia SPIA Michael Oppenheimer The Fight for Fresh Air: Localized Movements for Environmental Justice and the Incremental Process of Policy Reform
Imhof Hans SPIA Gregory Jaczko The Modernization of the Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act of 1978 and its Effects on Solar Power Generation: An Analysis of the Implementation of PURPA in South Carolina
Kang Jimin SPO Christina Lee, Jhumpa Lahiri Tales from Indigenous Brazil: A Translation of Daniel Munduruku’s ‘Chronicles of São Paulo’ and ‘The Lessons I’ve Learned’
Kawalec Joe EEB Mary (Cassie) Stoddard Conspicuousness and Crypsis in Woodpecker Coloration
Koester Ingrid EEB Andrew Dobson But Do You Recall, Why Reindeer Populations Rise and Fall?: A Theoretical Model of Reindeer (Rangifer tarandus) and Warble Flies (Hypoderma tarandi)
Kuziel Luca EEB Robert Pringle Mind the (Phylogenetic) Gap: Exploring the routes through ungulate intestines of passenger and resident fungi
Machette Taylor EEB Daniel Rubenstein The Determinants and Potential Functions of Synchronous Diving in Short-Finned Pilot Whales
Martin Dit Neuville Hugues ORFE Ronnie Sircar Total Recall : An Optimization Model to Help Ban Diesel and Petrol Fueled Cars from Paris’ Streets
Mays Rebecca CBE José Avalos Optogenetic Control of Microbial Consortia for the Optimization of Chemical Production
McGeoy Kailie PSY Elke Weber To Be a Sheep or to Be a Shepherd? How Political and Religious Identities Influence Environmental Dilemma Decisions and Post-decision Emotions
McMahon Emma GEO Gabriel Vecchi The Response of the Urban Heat Island to El Niño-Southern Oscillation
Meyers Olivia EEB Lars Hedin Protected Area Downgrading, Downsizing and Degazettement
Mrkaich Rachel ART Martha Friedman refractory planes
Nathan Levy GEO Bess Ward A Dive Into the Chesapeake Bay: An Investigation of the Parameters Shaping Nitrous Oxide Distribution
Oribhabor Favour CEE Amilcare Porporato Ashes to Ashes, Dust to Dust Bowl: An Analysis of Boise City Historic Drought Events as Compared to the 1930s Dust Bowl
Price Mollie ENG Rob Nixon We Can’t Put It Back: A Century of Appalachian Coal In Song
Reinhold Emily SPIA Elke Weber Perpetual Plastics No More: Large-Scale Plastic Waste Mitigation in a Circular Economy
Rennie Zoe EEB C. Jessica Metcalf Projecting Measles Susceptibility Build-Up in the Democratic Republic of the Congo Following Vaccination Delays
Robinson Kiera MOL Stephen Pacala The development of smart energy meters for college dorms that provide real-time feedback on energy use and the associated carbon footprint.
Shen Beverly SPIA Anu Ramaswami Weathering the Storm: Mitigating the Impacts of Natural Disasters in United States Cities Through Smart Technologies
Wiggins John Wesley GEO Michael Oppenheimer Sea-Level Rise on the Eastern Shore of Maryland: Vulnerability, Adaptation, Environmental Justice
Zhang Rei CEE Mark Zondlo Linking Changes in NO2 Pollution and Mobility During the COVID-19 Lockdowns in the U.S.