Last Name First Name Major Adviser Title
Akiti Korlekuor EEB Daniel Rubenstein Improving Urban Agriculture in the Anthropocene:
A Comparison of Crop Quality in Organic and Vertical Farms
Baltaci Atakan WWS Michael Oppenheimer Stakeholder Engagement in Climate Change Adaptation Efforts in the New York City Area
Bender Emmy EEB Daniel Rubenstein Evaluation of Performance of Organic, Biodynamic, and Precision Agricultural Carbon Uptake Modelling and Yield Prediction
Blevins Rebecca PSY Elizabeth Paluck Exploring Green Nudges:
Using Local Group Identity to Reduce Beef Consumption on Campus
Carabbia Luke EEB Christina Riehl Function, Variation, and Implications for Food Allocation of the Nestling Gape in the Greater Ani
Chase Rohana HIS Gyan Prakash Conceiving of a Hydro-Powered Modernity: Development and Nationhood in Nepal
Corso Jack EEB Stephen Pacala Spatial Characterization of Pocillopora Colonies along the North Shore of Moorea, French Polynesia
Demian Nadeem Essam EEB Corina Tarnita Ant-Plant-Hemipteran Interactions Between Non-Native Species in Laikipia, Kenya
DuRussel Katherine GEO Bess Ward Estimating Rates of Anaerobic Nitrite Oxidation in the Eastern Tropical North Pacific Oxygen Minimum Zone Through incubation Experiments
Eyster Artemis GEO Gabriel Vecchi Lianas, Arrested Succession, and Decreased Carbon Storage: Lianas and Topography Influence the Persistence of Low-Canopy Areas
Fordyce Alie ANT Jeffrey Himpele A Violent Landscape: The Influence of Climate Change on Human Conflict
Getraer Alec GEO Adam Maloof Tributary Slopes Record Regional Climate and Constrain Branching Angles in U.S. River Networks
Grah Olivia ECO Yacine Ait-Sahalia Is the Market Pricing Climate Change Risk?
Herrle Julia WWS Jennifer Widner Integrated Water Resources Management Implementation Among African Countries
Iqbal Azwad EEB Robert Pringle Plant-Herbivore Interactions and Resource Partitioning in the Nyika Plateau, Malawi
Jacobson Tess PHY Gabriel Vecchi Impact of Volcanic Aerosols on Sahelian Rainfall
Kalhorn Nicole WWS Timothy Searchinger Preserving Pastoralism: Exploring the Role of Ecotourism in Kenya’s
Pastoral Rangelands
Klimkiewicz Alexandra HIS Erika Milam “A Double-Edged Thermometer: Mass Media’s Depiction of Climate Change in the United States from 1988 to 2000”
Laufer Benjamin ORF Anne Morel-Kraepiel & Daniel Rubenstein “Commodity Forms, Late Capitalism and the Environment: Towards a Critical Materiality of the Juice Box”
Lohmann Jack ENG Robert Nixon The Sentencing of Nauru
Mangan Isabella HIS Hendrik Hartog LET THERE BE LIGHT!
Light and Air as Property
During Construction of the Elevated Railroad
in Nineteenth Century New York City
Martinez Lindsay EEB Daniel Rubenstein Modeling Strongyle Parasite Infection Rates and Extinction Forces in African Equid Hosts
Lindsay Martinez, Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
McCallister Margaret CEE Mark Zondlo Impact of Wildfire Emissions:
Ozone Precursors and their Contribution to Ambient Pollution
Melchionda Reed ECO Yacine Ait-Sahalia All Shocks Are (Not) Created Equal: Intra-Industry Valuation Effects Following Large Stock Price Shocks
Mihan Noah CEE Amilcare Porporato Ecosystem Engineers on Kenya’s Laikipia Plateau:
Analyzing the Effects of Large Megafauna on the Ecohydrology of a Semi-arid Kenyan Savanna Landscape
Mooz Erin EEB Simon Levin Mutational Robustness in the Flu Virus:
Manifestation of Low Level Fitness Effects at the Population Level
Moscovici-Troyka Sophie WWS Peter Singer A Regulatory Cookbook for Emerging Foods:
U.S. Oversight of Cell-Cultured Meat
Moses Nathaniel HIS Anne Morel-Kraepiel & Daniel Rubenstein “Commodity Forms, Late Capitalism and the Environment: Towards a Critical Materiality of the Juice Box”
Peng LiQian SiSi GEO Satish Myneni Environmental Factors Influencing the Formation of Organobromines in Coastal Soils
Peterson Kimberly GEO Stephan Fueglistaler Contributions of Overshooting Convection Over the South Asian Monsoon Region to Stratospheric Water Vapor
Petticord Daniel EEB Robert Pringle Insights into the Movement and Diet of the Kenyan Leopard Tortoise
Quach Lilly EEB Mary (Cassie) Stoddard Leggo my Egg: Investigating Individual Recognition in the Eggs of the Alcidae Family
Ramirez Matthew EEB Stephen Pacala Optimizing Forest Management Strategies To Demands of the Anthropocene
Redding Erin WWS Darren Hammell Accelerating Sustainable
Access to Small-Scale Solar
in Rural Areas of the
Salama Jordan SPO Christina Lee The Illusion of Memory: Four Weeks Down Colombia’s Magdalena River
Remi ENG Monica Youn The Inn of Silent Music
Shepard Daniel PHI Melissa Lane Individual Responsibility for the
Structural Injustice of Climate Change
Sheridan Lisa EEB David Wilcove The Effects of Livestock Grazing on the Reproductive Ecology of Sabatia grandiflora (Gentianaceae), a native wetland annual in South-Central Florida, USA
Sobel Rebecca ECO Lisa Bilir The Impact of Environmental Classifications on Tourist Arrivals and Willingness to Pay for Conservation: A Case Study of the Galapagos Islands
Tralie James GEO Jessica Irving Seismology: A Documentary Film
Valentine Charlotte HIS Michael Gordin “We Have Lift-off!”: How the United States Government Shaped
the Private Rocket Launch Industry Post-1984
Van Baalen Kelly MOL Martin Jonikas Localizing the Most Highly Conserved Proteins in Photosynthetic Organisms
Van Brande Helena COM Christy Wampole Let Us Calmly Be Grass: Environmental Poems by European Women
Ward Stephanie ORF Warren Powell Optimizing Energy Storage Locations in the Presence of Offshore Wind using Stochastic Dual Dynamic Programming
Wright Elizabeth ENG Rebecca Rainof The World We Did Not Make: Possession by the Past in Southern Kitchens & Literature
Zhang Joanna EEB Daniel Rubenstein Reducing land-use conflict: impacts of leasing arrangements on livestock and rangelands in Laikipia, Kenya