Last Name First Name Major Class Adviser Title
Allen Ayla EEB 2018 Cassie Stoddard Effects of Rainfall Variability on Habitat Preference and Population Abundance of Neotropical Primates
Angus Felicia ECO 2018 Andrés Maggi Winds of Change? The Impact of Renewable Portfolio Standards and Their Class Specifications on State Carbon Emissions
Atkinson William GEO 2018 Satish Myneni The role of Soil Minerals in Terrestrial Carbon Storage: A Unification of Field and Laboratory Studies
Bankston Mikaela MOL 2018 Daniel Notterman Ain’t I A Woman? Assessing the Radical Differences in Female Puberty as They Relate to Environmental Chemical Exposure
Brizo Ailyn CEE 2018 Peter Jaffe Feasibility and Environmental Implications of Urine Utilization Technologies in the Developing World
Buoncore Courtney ANT 2018 Serguei Oushakine Consuming Landscape: Tongariro National Park
Carey Miles ENG 2018 Rob Nixon Trash Mermaids: A New play
Conlan Lindsey CEE 2018 Claire White Two Waste Streams, One Solution: Reclaiming Concrete Aggregate and Treating Acid Mine Drainage Through a
Cvetkovic Aleks EEB 2018 Simon Levin Changes in mortality factors explaining the recent population growth of the Baltic Sea common murres (Uria aalge)
Czesana Rozalie WWS 2018 Paul Gauthier Meet What You Eat: Introducing Vertical Farming to the Princeton Community and Further
Darling Walker GEO 2018 Daniel Sigman Ground-Truthing Coral as a Proxy: An Examination of the d15N of four Coral Species Across the Bermuda Pededtal
Davis Olivia WWS 2018 Denise Mauzerall Shedding a Light on U.S. Federal Solar Energy Policy: Contrasting the Obama and Trump Administrations’ Initiatives, Impacts, and Motives in the Search for a Bipartisan Solution
Decitre Marc GER 2018 Michael Jennings and Thomas Levin The Ecological Paradox: A Critique of Ecological Modernization
DeGiulio Zak CEE 2018 Branko Glisic and M. Christine Boyer The Way to Modernity: Itineraries of Kinshasa
Elmekki Nazik MOL 2018 Mark Brynildsen Persistence and Metabolic Activity in Ofloxacin-Treated, Growth-Inhibited Populations of Escherichia coli
Goldstein Mark WWS 2018 Denise Mauzerall Climate Change in American National Parks:Impacts, Management, Communication and Public Perception
Greenfield Michelle EEB 2018 Daniel Rubenstein Effect of Anthropogenic Injuries on the Social Associations of Bottlenose Dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) in Sarasota Bay, Florida
Hartnett Andrew WWS 2018 Elke Weber Comparing Flood-Management Policy in the United States and the Netherlands
Haynes Jesenia EEB 2018 Lars Hedin Analyzing the Energy and Water Use of Vertical Farming at Princeton University
Howlett Sonia EEB 2018 Andrew Dobson Potential for Competition Between Introduced Cattle and Endemic Giant Tortoises on Santa Cruz, Galápagos
Jemison Myesha SPO 2018 Ruha Benjamin Bridging Healthcare Disparities in Southern Africa: An Investigation into the Hindrances to Traditional Medicine Use in the Treatment and Prevention of Human Immunodeficiency Virus and Acquired Immune Deficiency Symptoms in Southern Africa
Jeong Clare HIS 2018 Erika Milam Fishing for Justice: Maori Culture and Economics Rights in New Zealand
Keating Kira ECO 2018 Smita Brunnermeier Eclipsing the Barriers to Solar Installation: The Effects of Conventional Substitutes and Renewable Policy Incentives on Residential Solar Panel Installations and Capacity in the United States
Martocello Don GEO 2018 Bess Ward and Francois Morel H-Aquil: A Chemically Defined Cell Culture Medium for Trace Metal Studies in Vibrios and Other Marine Heterotrophic Bacteria
McCabe Erin GEO 2018 Laure Resplandy Mesoscale Processes’ Effect on Spatial and Temporal Variability in the Ocean’s Biological Carbon Pump
Mirzada Ariana NES 2018 Max Weiss The Afghan Refugee Women of Diavata Camp: Environmental Considerations
Okubo Corey EEB 2018 Stephen Pacala Using Artificial Reef Systems to push Recovery of Diadema antillarum and coral reef in the Caribbean
Parker Quinn EEB 2018 Robert Pringle The Impacts of Habitat Fragmentation on the Golden-Brown Mouse Lemur, Microcebus ravelobensis, in the Mahamavo Forest Region, Madagascar
Plonk Natalie ART 2018 Susan Marshall RUN/off (environmental dance performance)
Pomeroy Stuart WWS 2018 Denise Mauzerall Winds of Change: Opportunities for Offshore Wind-Energy Integration and Development in the Northeast United States
Pourtois Julie EEB 2018 Corina Tarnita A Modeling Approach to Examining the Effect of Viruses on Marine Bacterial Populations in Different Nutrient-Limited Environments
Reynolds Alana EEB 2018 Robert Pringle Characterizing  and Mitigating Elephant Crop Raiding as a form of Human-Wildlife Conflict in the Border Communities of Gorongosa National Park
Richards Maegan PSY 2018 Joel Cooper Personality and Environmental Attitudes: How Certain Personality Traits Affect Environmental Attitudes
Rob Sam WWS 2018 David Wilcove Reconciling Bioenergy and Food Production in Cuba: A Case for Integrating Competing Agricultural Models in the Caribbean’s Largest Island
Rooney Patrick ART 2018 Su Friedrich Fishing the Short Run
Salazar Carolina ANT 2018 João Biehl Shipibo Ritual Healing and New Modernities in the Anthropocene
Shang Cecilia WWS 2018 Elke Weber The Meat of the Matter: Behavioral Science Nudges for a More Sustainable Diet
Shin Chris WWS 2018 David Wilcove Cost-Benefit Analysis of Tourism in Ganzi Prefecture, Sichuan Province, China
Watkins Emma ENG 2018 Robert Sandberg Stories on the Wind: the Use of Environmental Soundscapes in Theatrical Contexts
Zeng Lindy COS 2018 David Dobkin Impact of Remote Sensing Domain Knowledge on Satellite Imagery Classification of the Amazon Rainforest