Last Name First Name Major Class Adviser Title
Armstrong Meredith REL 2015 David Miller Catholic and Protestant Environmentalism: A Critique of Lynn White’s Deal? Attribution of Christian Responsibility for the Environmental Crisis
Ball Van Zee Michelangelo EEB 2015 David Wilcove Lack of Hatch Date Adjustment in response to Weather in Four Arctic-Breeding Shorebirds
Bernard Miranda CEE 2015 Kelly Caylor An Irrigation and Precipitation Isotope Analysis of Crops in Central Kenya
Best Kelsea CBE 2015 David Medvigy Optimization of Root Depth Profile to Improve Representation of Dynamic Rooting Decisions of Two Tree Species
Boyce Colleen EEB 2015 Daniel Rubenstein The Behavioral, Associative, and Sexual Effects on Young Bull African Elephants in Response to the Removal of the Dominan Bull from Pongola Game Reserve, South Africa
Cannon Joan GEO 2015 Daniel Sigman Studying Past Atmospheric CO2 Concentrations using Mass Spectrometer Analysis of Foraminifera-Bound Organic Matter
Cheung Tiffany GEO 2015 Francois Morel A Mechanistic Study of Carbon Fixation in Marine Phytoplankton: Effects of Diel Cycling, Temperature, and Light Intensity on Thalassiosira weissflogi
Choi Jonathan EEB 2015 David Wilcove Tropical Forest Restoration on Cattle Pastures in the Guanacaste Province of Costa Rica
Coffey Cecelia WWS 2015 Frank Popper Smart from the Start: Atlantic Wind Energy Development in the United States and the Early Impacts of Policy Implementation
Cole Evan POL 2015 Melissa Lane Anthropogenic Climate Change and Negative Duties: A New Look at International Responsibility
Diaz Renata EEB 2015 Rob Pringle Herbivore-Mediated Effects of Ecosystem Hotspots on a Widespread East African Savanna Tree
Farais Divya ANT 2015 Susan Ellison Unstacking Maps: The Athabasca Chipwyan First Nation and the Politics of Place and Identity
Ferrara Jeanette ENG 2015 Susan Wolfson “As All is Mortal in Nature”: Authority of Self and the Environment in Screen Adaptations of William Shakespeare’s As You Like It, King Lear, and The Tempest
Fluehr Erika HIS 2015 Hendrik Hartog Boulder in the Summers: An Early Twentieth Century American space for High Aims and Consumer Culture
Gao Sharon ECO 2015 Amy Craft Shedding Light on the Equity vs. Efficiency Debate: Distributional Impacts of Dynamic Residential Electricity Pricing
Haynes Rebecca EEB 2015 David Wilcove Forest Cover Change in Costa Rica’s Protected Areas and Biological Corridors: 2000-2010
Jeong Sarah WWS 2015 Michael Oppenheimer Subsistence Farming with Climate Change: Sowing the Seeds of Government Programs in Limpopo, South Africa
Kemeny Preston GEO 2015 Daniel Sigman Seasonality in the Antarctic Ocean: Late Summer Nitrate Isotope Measurements from the Pacific Sector and a Seasonal Model of the Upper Water Column
Kreutter Nicole WWS 2015 Emmanuel Kreike Ecotourism and Community Conservation: Community-Based Natural Resource Management for Rural Development in Namibia
Kreutter Rebecca WWS 2015 Michael Oppenheimer Econometric Drivers of Forest Change in India
Liu Briana POL 2015 Faisal Ahmed Gauging the Gray in Green: China’s Regulaion of Recycling Imports in the Global Waste Trade
Loht Claire WWS 2015 Andrew Dobson Dead in the Water: Clean Water Act Compliance and Jurisdictional Uncertainty
Lukasiewicz Anna WWS 2015 Robert Keohane Frames of Climate Change Discourse in Germany and the United Kingdom
Majchrzak Victoria HIS 2015 Emmanuel Kreike The Iron Umbrella: A History of Political Rainmaking in the Cold War, 1946-1977
McLemore Jessica EAS 2015 Amy Borovoy It Takes a Village to Feed a Child: Motives of Food Education in Japanese Elementary Schools
Mcshea Olivia ANT 2015 Carolyn Rouse Ino Vaovao? A Cultural and Environmental Exploration of Southern Madagascar
Miller Damaris ANT 2015 Susan Ellison The Practice of Knowing: Environmental Education and Action in a Tibetan Buddhist Monastery
Moore Brian ORF 2015 Ronnie Sircar Politics as (Un)Usual: Political Events and Market Fluctuations in the European Union Emissons Trading System
Reed Brian ORF 2015 Ronnie Sircar Overcoming Barriers for Impact Investing in Frontier markets
Sayvetz Olivia WWS 2015 Michael Oppenheimer Weathering the Storm: A Decision-making Framework to support Flood Adaptation Policy in New York City
Slotten Delphine WWS 2015 David Wilcove Addessing California’s Water Crisis: An Assessment of the “Special Water Market” Proposal
Smith Katherine EEB 2015 Lars Hedin Role of Backwater Environments in Nitrogen and Phosphorus Uptake in the Lower Mississippi River Floodplain
Talt Gina ECO 2015 Smita Brunnermeier The Effect of Gasoline Prices on Demand for Electric-Drive Vehicles in the U.S.
Tamasi Tyler CHM 2015 Lynn Loo Synthesis and Study of Supersized Heteroaromatic Small Molecules for Organic Photovoltaics
Taranov Aleksandra ANT 2015 Carol Greenhouse The Politics of Pornography: Affective Experiences of Women Participating in the Production of ‘Socially Responsible Erotica’
Tsai Evaline CBE 2015 Aaron Link Monte Carlo Simulations of NaCL and CaCL2 Aqueous Solutions
Waszkewitz Sarah EEB 2015 Stephen Pacala The Varying Functional Role of Ctenochaetus stristus: an Analysis of Behavior and Morphology in Top-Down  Verses Bottom-Up Reef Environments in Palau
Wise Scott WWS 2015 Timothy Searchinger The Relinkage of Conservation Compliance  to Crop Insurance in the 2014 Farm Bill