Last Name First Name Major Class Adviser Title
Ackerman Dylan WWS 2014 Julian Zelizer A Green New Deal? Job Creation, Environmental Progress, and the american Recovery and Reinvestment Act
Balachandran Devika EEB 2014 Lars Hedin Does Denitrification control Agricultural Hitrate Export in the Mississippi Delta?
Beale Andrea GEO 2014 John Higgins Fluid Inclusions in Marine Halite as a Window into the Mg Isotopic Composition of Past Oceans
Bertasi Margaret HIS 2014 Emmanuel Kreike The Environmnetal Effects and Societal Change from Coal Use in 19th Century Britian
Bonnyman Isabel ANT 2014 Isabelle Clark-Deces Implications of Land Management and Development Policy in Bhutan: 1952-present
Calof Andrew CBE 2014 Denise Mauzerall A Feasability Analysis for Princeton Investing
Chan Sean WWS 2014 Andrew Moravcsik The Digital City: Smart Cities, Gigabit Cities, and the Future of Urbanism
Chu Andrea EEB 2014 David Wilcove Put a Bird on It: Exploring the Relationship Between Landscapes and Avifaunal Communities in Duisburg, Germany
Cochrane Margaret ANT 2014 John Borneman An Examination of the Social Construct of Environmental Conservation and the Influence of Authority on its Development in Northern Tanzania
Craig Sarah WWS 2014 Keren Yarhi-Milo A Case Study Analysis of the Role of Prestige in Nuclear Decision-making
Davis William EEB 2014 Steve Pacala Ecological and Fisheries Management Implications of Competition Between Red Snapper and Vermilion Snapper
Edelman Lauren CBE 2014 Eric Larson and Lin Loo Biomass Pyrolysis Pathways to Produce Low – Carbon Transportation Fuel
Gallagher Clare EEB 2014 Steve Pacala Influences of Reef Microstruture and Corallivory on Juvenile Scleractinian Coral Survival
Goodman Sally CEE 2014 Kelly Caylor and Mike Celia An Investigation of Groundwater Potential in the Timau River Basin, Kenya
Grillo Rafael POL 2014 Alexander Ovodenko Democracy & Sustainable Energy Transitions: The Role of Liberal Democratic Factors in Renewable Energy Policy and Technology Adoption
Grossman Gideon MAE 2014 Dan Steingart Design of a Low-cost Frequency Response Analyzer for Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy
Grove Eddie NES 2014 Jennifer Widner Privtization, New Public Management, and Non-revenue Water in Jordan
Gupta Nitasha EEB 2014 Andy Dobson Malaria Then and Now: Plasmodium spp. Selective Pressure and alpha Globin Variation in Macaca fascicularis
Hall Katarina WWS 2014 David Kinsey There Must be a Catch: Resolving Inter-sectoral Conflict in the Alaskan Halibut Fishery
Kasdin Alexandra EEB 2014 Rob Pringle Effect of Experiences with Captive and Non-captive African Penguins (Spheniscus demersus) on Conservation Attitudes, Learning, and Behavior of Visitors
Kurz Emma CHM 2014 Paul Chirik The Synthesis, Characterization, and Evaluation of Novel Cobalt Compounds in the Metal Catalyzed-hydroboration of Olefins
Macleod Alexandra EEB 2014 Andy Dobson A Survey of the Gastro-intestinal Parasites Infecting Macaca fascicularis and their Zoonotic Implications in Brunei Darussalam
Mancenon Carmina ORF 2014 Jianqing Fan The Startup Spring: Leveraging Public policy to Increase Capital Pools for Technology Startups in Turkey and Jordan
Marsh Julia FIT 2014 Pietro Frassica Environmental Crime in Campania, Italy: Organized Crime, Toxic Waste, and the Effects of Illegal Waste Disposal
Martiney Marielle POL 2014 Alexander Ovodenko Water Wars:Political Saliency of Water Conflicts in Bolivia
McCall Andrew ECO 2014 Amy Craft Policies to Promote Renewable Electricity Generation in the United States: An Empirical Analysis of the Total Social Cost of Renewable Portfolio Standards and Feed-in Tariffs
McCoy Eskender EEB 2014 Bridget vonHoldt Association Between social Rank and CpG(I) Methylation in Yellowstone Gray Wolves
Mills Alison ARC 2014 Guy Nordenson Interstate 0: A History and Theory of the Los Angeles River as Cultural and Urban Infrastructure
Moch Stephen WWS 2014 Michael Schartz Driving down Emissions: Improving the Environmetnal Efficacy of Federal Electric Vehicle Development Policy
Nilles Anna ART 2014 Esther da Costa Meyer Finis Ghetto? Architecture and the Afterlife of the Jewish Quarter in Prague
O’Brien Maura ART 2014 Martha Friedman and Rachel DeLue Chrysalid
Parker Chelsea EEB 2014 Dan Rubenstein Vigilance Behavior in Plains Zebra (Equus burchelli); An Analysis of Group Size, Synchrony and the Implications of Tourism
Partridge Megan CEE 2014 Eric Wood A Political Ecology of Water Governance and the Extractive Industries in Northern Chile
Ragg Kellie POL 2014 Jan Werner-Mueller The Role of Public Opinion and Political Opportunity Structure in Relation to Green Party Success
Rivera Christian EEB 2014 David Wilcove Facing the 2013 Gold Rush: A Popular Viability Analysis for the Endangered White-lipped Peccary (Tayassu pecari) in Corcovado national Park, Costa Rica
Rona Tugba ECO 2014 Smita Brunnermeier An Unconventional Phenomenon: Quantitative Analysis of Economic Development Effects Accompanying North American Shale Oil and Gas
Ryan Kathleen GEO 2014 Frederik Simons An Integrated Geophysical Survey of the Polis Chrysochous Archaelogical Site using Ground-penetrating Radar,Magnetic, and Electrical-resistivity Methods
Santillo Amanda ARC 2014 Mario Gandelsonas [ECO]systemizing the City: Promoting a Multidisciplinary Discussion of Ecologically Sustainable Planning Strategies
Serota Nathan GEO 2014 Jorge Sarmiento Aerosols, Change Points, and the Evolving Land Carbon Sink
Soh Beatrice CBE 2014 Howard Stone Wetting and Drying of Fibers
Southworth Alan GEO 2014 David Medvigy Updates to Leaf Respiration Parameterization: Assessing the Impact of Light Inhibition, Leaf Expansion, and a Warming Scenario for Carbon Budget Modeling
Steurer Dan CBE 2014 David Medvigy Impacts of Elevated Atmospheric CO2 on Temperate Forest Successional Dynamics: A Case Study of Duke Free-air CO2 Enrichment Site
Streater Blair EEB 2014 Dan Rubenstein Vegetation and Feral Horse Dynamics of Shackleford Banks, North Carolina: A Comparative Analysis
Svennas Katarina CHM 2014 Martin Semmelhack Novel Inhibitors of LuxO to control Quorum Sensing in Vibrio Species
Tourgee Amy EEB 2014 Lars Hedin No differences in Community Dominance of Nitrogen-fixing Plants Across the Savanna, Woodland and Forest Biomes of Brazil: A Meta-analysis
Wang Regina EEB 2014 David Medvigy A Species-specific approach to Predicating the Timing of Deciduous Leaf Emergence in the United States
Wyman Lauren EEB 2014 Rob Pringle Analyzing the Impact of a Dual Lizard Introduction on Orb-weaving Spider Communities in the Bahamas: An Experimantal Approach
Yakubisin Michelle CBE 2014 Mark Zondlo Characterizing Fugitive Methane Emissions in the Marcellus Shale Region Using Mobile Measurements
Zhou Alice ECO 2014 Smita Brunnermeier Ethanol Production and Changes in Land Use in the United States