Last Name First Name Major Class Adviser Title
Ahearn Devon WWS 2009 Melissa Harris-Lacewell A Seat at the Table: Participation and the Effectiveness of Environmental Justice Policy
Ahlquist Greer ECO 2009 Smita Brunnermeier Water Quality Trading in the United States: An Assessment of Economic and Enviornmental Efficiency
Barron Denali ANT 2009 Rena Sydelle Lederman The Common Crown Jewels: Value, Purpose, and Controversy in Americas National Parks
Berry Bryan EEB 2009 Iain D. Couzin Speed and Accuracy in Zebrafish Fighting Decisions
Brink Shannon WWS 2009 Marta Tienda Staying Ahead Collectively?: Evaluating the Inter-American Foundation in the Footsteps of A.O. Hirschman
Burgess James MAT 2009 Stephen W. Pacala Analysis and Properties of the Perfect Plasticity Approximation Forest Model in a Constant Resource Environment
Cai Angela WWS 2009 Harold Shapiro Commercial Surrogate Motherhood in America
Chaum Miriam WWS 2009 Michael Oppenheimer Taming the Dragon: Corporate Climate Responsibility in the U.S. Oil and Gas Industry
Chow Candice WWS 2009 Xenia Morin Provisions for Sustainable Agriculture in the 2012 Bill: A Climate Change Perspective
Coan James WWS 2009 Amy Craft Maximizing Happiness in Future Positive Oil Price Shocks
Connolly Hope CHE 2009 George W. Scherer The Characterization of Class H Cement For Application in Oil Well CO2 Sequestration Systems
Fleming John GEO 2009 Tullis C. Onstott Methanobacterium sp. MK4 Under Conditions of Simulated Martian Regolith and Atmosphere
Giunipero Emma MAE 2009 Winston O. Soboyejo The Structural Performance of Golf Cart Frames Made of Bamboo
Grody Jessica EEB 2009 Dan I. Rubenstein Patterns of Associations and Connectedness in Domestic Horses (Equus Caballus)
Harwood Margaret ANT 2009 James A. Boon Urban Greening: A Case Study of Community and the Conflicts of Public Space in Central Park
Hua Kun CHE 2009 Sankaran Sundaresan A Mechanistic Model for the Rate of Microalgal Photosynthesis
Lagomarsino Raymond GEO 2009 Gregory E. Van der Vink Evaluating the Haynesville Black Shale Resource Play
Langberg Sarah WWS 2009 Gregory E. Van der Vink Beaches in Retreat: Policy Options for Protecting New Jerseys Dynamic Coast
Lyon Susan WWS 2009 Denise Mauzerall Rethinking the Funds: Financing Coastal Adaptation to Climate Change
McGarvie Holly ANT 2009 Carol Jane Greenhouse Consensus in the Face of Dispute: The Jersey-Atlantic Wind Farm and the Importance of Cultural and Social Components in the Allocation of Wind Energy
Mohamed Abass EEB 2009 Andrew Dobson Energy, Environment and Refugee Camps in Kenya: Integrating Solar-Energy into Energy Use in the Camps
Nyquist Rebecca REL 2009 Simeon B. Chavel Beyond Blood and Creed: A New Perspective on Children of Interfaith Marriage
Palmer Jennifer ECO 2009 Smita Brunnermeier The Unintended Consequences of Environmental Regulation: An Empirical Analysis of the Changing Structure of the United States Dairy Industry
Poats Abigail POL 2009 Michael Oppenheimer Working to “Green” the “Rainbow Nation”: The Involvement of NGOs in South African Climate Change Policy-Making
Renaud Alexander EEB 2009 Stephen W. Pacala Mitigating Adverse Environmental Impacts of Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion Technology Effluent Using Gracilaria Parvispora and Palmaria Mollis as Biofilters
Scholl Jonathan CHE 2009 Craig B. Arnold Modification of Hydrous Ruthenium Oxide with Laser Direct-Write Processing for Supercapacitor Applications
Schwab Ruth EEB 2009 Stuart A. Altrmann From Wild Apples to Modern Cultivars: Chemical Profile Changes of Sugars, Acids, and Phenolics Over Selective Time
Seidenfeld Justin CEE 2009 Peter Jaffe NEWwater vs. SingSpring: A Cost Benefit Analysis of Singapore’s Water Production Systems
Shen Chenchen EEB 2009 Andrew Dobson From San Francisco to New York City: An Evaluation of Residential Curbside Organic Waste Collection and Composting
Smith Mark EEB 2009 Stephen W. Pacala New Approaches to Hydrogen and Methane Production From Aquatic Phototrophs
Stallings Kelsey ORF 2009 Michael Oppenheimer Modeling the Impacts of Policy on Forecasted Energy Demand in Highway Transportation
Staude Holger ECO 2009 H. Farber The Impact of the Clean Air Interstate Rule of 2005 on Electric Utilities: Evidence from the Stock Market
Stevens Emmelyn ART 2009 Christopher Heuer A Mystic for the Moment: Zurbarn’s Monastic Commissions at Guadalupe and Jerez de la Frontera
Taggart John WWS 2009 Harold Feiveson Plug-In Hybrid Electric Vehicles and Smart Grid Integration
Thompson Megan SOC 2009 King-To Yeung The Geography of Inequality in Food Distribution and Availability
Tilghman Matthew MAE 2009 Michael G. Littman Passive, Resonant Leg-Powered Generator
Wall Meredith GEO 2009 Gregory E. Van der Vink Environmentally-Sustainable Poverty Reduction: Rural Road Development in Liberia
Yersak Thomas MAE 2009 Craig B. Arnold Laser Direct Write of TiO2 Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells