HMEI-STEP Fellows: Awarded 2016

  • Berg, Alexander

    Ford Fellow

    Electrical Engineering

    HMEI-STEP Topic

    Patent Internalization and Renewables Specialization in Emerging Economies

    HMEI-STEP Adviser(s)

    Michael Oppenheimer

    Thesis Topic

    Silicon Heterojunction Solar Cells

    Thesis Adviser(s)

    James Sturm

  • Frazer, Michelle

    Perkins Fellow

    Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences

    HMEI-STEP Topic

    Policy Implications of Regional Climate Responses to Stratospheric Aerosol Albedo Modification

    HMEI-STEP Adviser(s)

    Michael Oppenheimer, Robert Socolow

    Thesis Topic

    Toward Understanding the Role of Clouds in the Climate System

    Thesis Adviser(s)

    Yi Ming

  • Pan, Da

    Ford Fellow

    Civil and Environmental Engineering

    HMEI-STEP Topic

    Investigation of Monitoring Strategies of Atmospheric Ammonia for Ammonia Regulation in the United States

    HMEI-STEP Adviser(s)

    Denise Mauzerall

    Thesis Topic

    Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics/Spatiotemporal Characteristics of Emissions of Ammonia and Nitrous Oxide from Agriculture

    Thesis Adviser(s)

    Mark Zondlo

  • Xian, Siyuan

    Ford Fellow

    Civil and Environmental Engineering

    HMEI-STEP Topic

    Impact and Value of Information on Flood Risk Reduction Decisions

    HMEI-STEP Adviser(s)

    Michael Oppenheimer

    Thesis Topic

    Coastal Resilience through an Integrated Approach

    Thesis Adviser(s)

    Ning Lin