HMEI-STEP Fellows: Awarded 2009

  • Ellis, Brian

    PEI RISE Fellow

    Civil and Environmental Engineering

    HMEI-STEP Topic

    Investigation of the impact of carbon dioxide gas stream purity regulations on competitiveness of CCS technologies in the energy market.

    HMEI-STEP Adviser(s)

    Denise Mauzerall

    Thesis Topic

    Geologic carbon sequestration–Investigation of brine acidification and ensuing water-rock interactions.

    Thesis Adviser(s)

    Catherine Peters

  • Escarra, Matthew

    Ford Fellow

    Electrical Engineering

    HMEI-STEP Topic

    The implementation and use of remote measurements tovalidate CO2 Emissions reductions.

    HMEI-STEP Adviser(s)

    Michael Oppenheimer

    Thesis Topic

    High performance quantum cascade lasers for spectroscopic applications.

    Thesis Adviser(s)

    Claire Gmachl

  • Lloyd, Ian

    Ford Fellow

    Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences

    HMEI-STEP Topic

    Geoengineering - hurricanes, climate change and global governance.

    HMEI-STEP Adviser(s)

    Michael Oppenheimer

    Thesis Topic

    Hurricane - climate interaction.

    Thesis Adviser(s)

    Gabriel Vecchi

  • Wang, Tao

    Perkins Fellow


    HMEI-STEP Topic

    Production and consumption based greenhouse gas (GHG) inventories - an incentive and efficiency analysis.

    HMEI-STEP Adviser(s)

    Michael Oppenheimer

    Thesis Topic

    Frictions and externalities in international trade.

    Thesis Adviser(s)

    Gene Grossman