HMEI-STEP Fellows: Awarded 2007

  • Lin, Ning

    Ford Fellow

    Civil and Environmental Engineering

    HMEI-STEP Topic

    Impact of climate change on hurricane-related risk and decision making.

    HMEI-STEP Adviser(s)

    Michael Oppenheimer

    Thesis Topic

    Hurricane surface wind field and damanage analysis.

    Thesis Adviser(s)

    Erik VanMarcke

  • Little, Christopher

    Ford Fellow


    HMEI-STEP Topic

    Constraining eustatic sea-level rise with a hierarchy.

    HMEI-STEP Adviser(s)

    Michael Oppenheimer

    Thesis Topic

    Constraining ocean circulation and basal melting under ice shelves.

    Thesis Adviser(s)

    Anand Gnanadesikan

  • MacDonald, Luke

    Perkins Fellow

    Civil and Environmental Engineering

    HMEI-STEP Topic

    An effective, sustainable treatment strategy to halt the fluorosis endemic in rural villages of Jharkhand State, India.

    HMEI-STEP Adviser(s)

    Burton Singer

    Thesis Topic

    The kinetics of microbially mediated iron reduction and an investigation of related plant-driven redox controls on arsenic and lead mobility in a contaminated wetlan

    Thesis Adviser(s)

    Peter Jaffé

  • Zhang, Yan

    Ford Fellow

    Civil and Environmental Engineering

    HMEI-STEP Topic

    Impacts of atmospheric aerosols on weather and public health - science and policy of China's air quality

    HMEI-STEP Adviser(s)

    Denise Mauzerall

    Thesis Topic

    Precipitation climatology in urban environment.

    Thesis Adviser(s)

    James Smith