All HMEI-STEP Fellows

  • Sun, Emily Wei-Hsin

    ‘19 Perkins Fellow

    Civil and Environmental Engineering

    HMEI-STEP Topic

    Predicting Soil Carbon Flux in Response to Small-Scale Amendments for Integration into Climate Policy Frameworks

    HMEI-STEP Adviser(s)

    Tim Searchinger

    Thesis Topic

    Flow of Water and Organics Through Mineral Nanopores

    Thesis Adviser(s)

    Ian Bourg

  • Alexander, Celeste

    ‘12 Ford Fellow


    HMEI-STEP Topic

    The Production and Reception of Expert Knowledge Practices in a Tanzanian Wildlife Management Area

    HMEI-STEP Adviser(s)

    David Wilcove

    Thesis Topic

    An Ethnography of Community Engagement with Conservation and Development in a Tanzanian Wildlife Management Area

    Thesis Adviser(s)

    Joao Biehl

  • Anand, Shashank

    ‘21 Perkins Fellow
    Headshot of Shashank Anand

    Civil and Environmental Engineering

    HMEI-STEP Topic

    Indicators of Soil Erosion and Landscape Sustainability with Implications for Land-Use Policy

    HMEI-STEP Adviser(s)

    Simon Levin

    Thesis Topic

    Landscape Dynamics as a Co-Evolution of Ecohydrological and Geomorphological Processes

    Thesis Adviser(s)

    Amilcare Porporato

  • Baldwin, Jane

    ‘15 Perkins Fellow

    Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences

    HMEI-STEP Topic

    Correlated Risk of Climate Extremes with Global Warming and its Implications for Catastrophe Insurance

    HMEI-STEP Adviser(s)

    Michael Oppenheimer

    Thesis Topic

    Climate Drivers and Environmental Sensitivity of Arid Regions in Asia

    Thesis Adviser(s)

    Gabriel Vecchi

  • Berg, Alexander

    ‘16 Ford Fellow

    Electrical Engineering

    HMEI-STEP Topic

    Patent Internalization and Renewables Specialization in Emerging Economies

    HMEI-STEP Adviser(s)

    Michael Oppenheimer

    Thesis Topic

    Silicon Heterojunction Solar Cells

    Thesis Adviser(s)

    James Sturm

  • Blaisdell-Pijuan, Paris

    ‘20 Perkins Fellow
    Headshot of Paris Blaisdell-Pijuan

    Electrical Engineering

    HMEI-STEP Topic

    Assessing Routes to Clean Hydrogen: Meeting the Norwegian Hydrogen Demand with Hydropower

    HMEI-STEP Adviser(s)

    Michael Oppenheimer

    Thesis Topic

    Infrared Catalysis and Hydrogen

    Thesis Adviser(s)

    Claire Gmachl

  • Brunner, Claudia

    ‘19 Ford Fellow

    Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering

    HMEI-STEP Topic

    Offshore Wind Energy in the United States — From Burgeoning Technology to Competitive Market Force?

    HMEI-STEP Adviser(s)

    Alex Glaser

    Thesis Topic

    Unsteady Airfoil Aerodynamics with Applications to Vertical Axis Wind Turbines

    Thesis Adviser(s)

    Marcus Hultmark

  • Chua, Glen

    ‘21 Ford Fellow
    Headshot of Glen Chua

    Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences

    HMEI-STEP Topic

    Ways to Mitigate Potential Risks of a Hydrogen Economy from a Chemistry-Climate Perspective

    HMEI-STEP Adviser(s)

    Denise Mauzerall

    Thesis Topic

    Studying the Climate and Composition Impacts and Feedbacks of Methane Emissions in a Chemistry-Climate Model

    Thesis Adviser(s)

    Larry Horowitz

  • Chung, Maya

    ‘22 Ford Fellow

    Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences

    HMEI-STEP Topic

    Integrating Climate and Disease Modeling to Forecast Airborne-disease Risk

    HMEI-STEP Adviser(s)

    Bryan Grenfell, Jessica Metcalf

    Thesis Topic

    Effects of Sea-surface Salinity and Climate Change on the El Niño-Southern Oscillation

    Thesis Adviser(s)

    Gabriel Vecchi

  • Conley, Joe

    ‘02 Perkins Fellow


    HMEI-STEP Topic

    Emission trading for mercury? Addressing the 'hot spot' problem.

    HMEI-STEP Adviser(s)

    Michael Oppenheimer

    Thesis Topic

    Environmentalism contained: A history of corporate responses to the environmental movement.

    Thesis Adviser(s)

    Daniel Rodgers

  • Dalin, Carole

    ‘12 Perkins Fellow

    Civil and Environmental Engineering

    HMEI-STEP Topic

    Promoting Environmentally Sustainable Agriculture Productivity in China Through Water Management and Agricultural Policies

    HMEI-STEP Adviser(s)

    Denise Mauzerall

    Thesis Topic

    The Transfer of Water Resources through the Trade of Water-Intensive Products, or “Virtual Water Trade”.

    Thesis Adviser(s)

    Ignacio Rodriguez-Iturbe

  • Debats, Stephanie

    ‘13 Perkins Fellow

    Civil and Environmental Engineering

    HMEI-STEP Topic

    Reducing Crop Yield Losses through Improved Food Security Forecasts and Agricultural Land-Use Policies

    HMEI-STEP Adviser(s)

    Michael Oppenheimer

    Thesis Topic

    Crop Yield Variability in Dryland Agricultural Systems

    Thesis Adviser(s)

    Kelly Caylor

  • Deng, Hang

    ‘12 Ford Fellow

    Civil and Environmental Engineering

    HMEI-STEP Topic

    Incorporation of CCS – and Nuclear Energy Related Risks in Current Energy Economic Model and its Implications to Energy Policy

    HMEI-STEP Adviser(s)

    Michael Oppenheimer

    Thesis Topic

    Evaluation of Caprock Integrity and its Evolution Due to Brine-CO2-rock Interactions

    Thesis Adviser(s)

    Catherine Peters

  • Deutsch, Curtis

    ‘00 PEI RISE Fellow

    Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences

    HMEI-STEP Topic

    Oceanic iron fertilization and N2O production: global warming feedbacks.

    HMEI-STEP Adviser(s)

    David Bradford

    Thesis Topic

    Marine nitrogen cycle.

    Thesis Adviser(s)

    Jorge Sarmiento

  • Dreyfus, Gabrielle



    HMEI-STEP Topic

    Assessing the validity and implications of using MIS 11 as an analog for the unperturbed Holocene

    HMEI-STEP Adviser(s)

    Michael Oppenheimer

    Thesis Topic

    Ice core paleoclimatology using the composition of trapped air.

    Thesis Adviser(s)

    Jean Jouzel

  • Duguid, Andrew

    ‘03 Ford Fellow

    Civil and Environmental Engineering

    HMEI-STEP Topic

    Risk assessment of CO2 leakage through abandoned wells.

    HMEI-STEP Adviser(s)

    Michael Oppenheimer

    Thesis Topic

    CO2 leakage through abandoned wells.

    Thesis Adviser(s)

    Michael Celia

  • Edwards, David

    ‘03 Ford Fellow


    HMEI-STEP Topic

    Metal Risk in the environment: the Waste Minimization Prioritization Tool (WMPT)

    HMEI-STEP Adviser(s)

    Valerie Thomas

    Thesis Topic

    Molecular studies of siderophore complexes in aqueous solution.

    Thesis Adviser(s)

    Satish Myneni

  • Edwards, Ryan

    ‘15 Perkins Fellow

    Civil and Environmental Engineering

    HMEI-STEP Topic

    Exploring Environmental Policy and Regulation of Unconventional Oil and Gas Development Internationally

    HMEI-STEP Adviser(s)

    Denise Mauzerall

    Thesis Topic

    Environmental Impacts and Opportunities of Unconventional Oil and Gas Development

    Thesis Adviser(s)

    Michael Celia

  • Egleston, Eric

    ‘05 Ford Fellow

    Civil and Environmental Engineering

    HMEI-STEP Topic

    The role of mechanistic models in regulatory risk assessment.

    HMEI-STEP Adviser(s)

    Denise Mauzerall

    Thesis Topic

    Trace metal accumulation in diatoms.

    Thesis Adviser(s)

    Francois Morel

  • Ellis, Brian

    ‘09 PEI RISE Fellow

    Civil and Environmental Engineering

    HMEI-STEP Topic

    Investigation of the impact of carbon dioxide gas stream purity regulations on competitiveness of CCS technologies in the energy market.

    HMEI-STEP Adviser(s)

    Denise Mauzerall

    Thesis Topic

    Geologic carbon sequestration–Investigation of brine acidification and ensuing water-rock interactions.

    Thesis Adviser(s)

    Catherine Peters

  • Escarra, Matthew

    ‘09 Ford Fellow

    Electrical Engineering

    HMEI-STEP Topic

    The implementation and use of remote measurements tovalidate CO2 Emissions reductions.

    HMEI-STEP Adviser(s)

    Michael Oppenheimer

    Thesis Topic

    High performance quantum cascade lasers for spectroscopic applications.

    Thesis Adviser(s)

    Claire Gmachl

  • Feng, Kairui

    ‘20 Ford Fellow
    Headshot of Kairui Feng

    Civil and Environmental Engineering

    HMEI-STEP Topic

    Empiric and Diagnostic Policies to Tame Hurricane and Climate Change Risks

    HMEI-STEP Adviser(s)

    Michael Oppenheimer

    Thesis Topic

    Adaptive Decision-Making for Infrastructure-Human Systems Affected by Hurricanes and Climate Change

    Thesis Adviser(s)

    Ning Lin

  • Finke, Kelly

    ‘23 Ford Fellow

    Ecology and Evolutionary Biology

    HMEI-STEP Topic

    Enabling Community-based Approaches for Lasting Cultural Change: A Department Climate Pledge System for Academic Institutions

    HMEI-STEP Adviser(s)

    Elke Weber

    Thesis Topic

    Cultural Evolution and Rapid Cultural Transitions

    Thesis Adviser(s)

    Corina Tarnita

  • Frazer, Michelle

    ‘16 Perkins Fellow

    Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences

    HMEI-STEP Topic

    Policy Implications of Regional Climate Responses to Stratospheric Aerosol Albedo Modification

    HMEI-STEP Adviser(s)

    Michael Oppenheimer, Robert Socolow

    Thesis Topic

    Toward Understanding the Role of Clouds in the Climate System

    Thesis Adviser(s)

    Yi Ming

  • Frye, Lucas

    ‘22 Kelley Fellow


    HMEI-STEP Topic

    Groundwater Depletion and Climate Migration in the High Plains

    HMEI-STEP Adviser(s)

    Michael Oppenheimer

    Thesis Topic

    Hydrogen Atom Transfer at Macrocyclic Metal Catalysts

    Thesis Adviser(s)

    John Groves

  • Fuller, Emma

    ‘14 Ford Fellow

    Ecology and Evolutionary Biology

    HMEI-STEP Topic

    The Ecosystem Effects of Individual Transferable Quotas in US West-Coast Commercial Fisheries

    HMEI-STEP Adviser(s)

    David Wilcove

    Thesis Topic

    Social-Ecological Systems, Fisheries, Foraging Theory

    Thesis Adviser(s)

    Simon Levin

  • Ganguly, Aahana

    ‘13 Perkins Fellow


    HMEI-STEP Topic

    Responsible Regulation of Engineered Nanomaterials under Risk Uncertainty: Evaluation of the Toxic Substances Control Act

    HMEI-STEP Adviser(s)

    Michael Oppenheimer

    Thesis Topic

    Surface Science Studies on Nanoparticle Catalysts

    Thesis Adviser(s)

    Steven Bernasek

  • Gerlein, Cynthia

    ‘14 Perkins Fellow

    Civil and Environmental Engineering

    HMEI-STEP Topic

    Understanding the Impacts of Policy on Reducing Deforestation in Tropical Forests

    HMEI-STEP Adviser(s)

    Denise Mauzerall

    Thesis Topic


    Thesis Adviser(s)

    Kelly Caylor

  • Gregory, Nathan

    ‘04 Perkins Fellow

    Ecology and Evolutionary Biology

    HMEI-STEP Topic

    The role of anthropogenic fire and livestock grazing in East African Savannas.

    HMEI-STEP Adviser(s)

    Emmanuel Kreike

    Thesis Topic

    The role of anthropogenic Fire and Livestock Grazing in sustaining avian diversity in East Aftican Savannas

    Thesis Adviser(s)

    David Wilcove

  • He, Xiaogang

    ‘17 Perkins Fellow

    Civil and Environmental Engineering

    HMEI-STEP Topic

    Incorporation of Human Dimensions into the Hydrological Model and its Implications to Policy-Making for Drought Adaptation in California

    HMEI-STEP Adviser(s)

    Michael Oppenheimer

    Thesis Topic

    Flood and Drought Risk Assessment

    Thesis Adviser(s)

    Eric Wood

  • Helm, Jermiah

    ‘00 PEI RISE Fellow


    HMEI-STEP Topic

    Analysis of the cause and cure of antibiotic resistant bacteria.

    HMEI-STEP Adviser(s)

    David Bradford

    Thesis Topic

    Ramoplanin: structure-activity correlation.

    Thesis Adviser(s)

    Suzanne Walker

  • Hoang Lu, Jack

    ‘15 Ford Fellow

    Chemical and Biological Engineering

    HMEI-STEP Topic

    Modeling and Application of Antibiotic Pollution Mitigation Strategies to Address Resistance Development

    HMEI-STEP Adviser(s)

    Bryan Grenfell

    Thesis Topic

    Moving Beyond Antibiotics: Development and Translation of Next-Generation Antivirulence Therapies

    Thesis Adviser(s)

    Robert Prud'homme

  • Huang, Xinwo

    ‘13 Ford Fellow

    Civil and Environmental Engineering

    HMEI-STEP Topic

    Regulation of Subsurface Systems in China: Is it Possible for both Shale Gas Production and Carbon Sequestration to Coexist

    HMEI-STEP Adviser(s)

    Denise Mauzerall

    Thesis Topic

    Model Complexity for Subsurface Porous Medium Flow

    Thesis Adviser(s)

    Michael Celia

  • Jacobson, Anna

    ‘21 Ford Fellow
    Headshot of Anna Jacobson

    Lewis-Sigler Institute for Integrative Genomics

    HMEI-STEP Topic

    Examining Reforestation Potential of Agricultural Land in the Continental United States

    HMEI-STEP Adviser(s)

    Denise Mauzerall

    Thesis Topic

    Optimization of Energy Systems Models

    Thesis Adviser(s)

    Simon Levin, Stephen Pacala

  • Jorden, William

    ‘00 Perkins Fellow

    Electrical Engineering

    HMEI-STEP Topic

    An analysis of distributed benefits of building integrated photovolaics for commerical buildings on the power grid and associated policy implications.

    HMEI-STEP Adviser(s)

    Robert Williams

    Thesis Topic


    Thesis Adviser(s)

    Sigurd Wagner

  • Kang, Mary

    ‘12 Perkins Fellow

    Civil and Environmental Engineering

    HMEI-STEP Topic

    Methane Leakage Due to Hydraulic Fracturing Operations: Exploring Technical and Policy Mitigation Options

    HMEI-STEP Adviser(s)

    Denise Mauzerall

    Thesis Topic

    Multi-Scale Modeling of Fluid Leakage through Faults in Subsurface Environments

    Thesis Adviser(s)

    Michael Celia

  • Konar, Megan

    ‘10 Ford Fellow

    Civil and Environmental Engineering

    HMEI-STEP Topic

    Projections of International crop trade under a changing climate.

    HMEI-STEP Adviser(s)

    Denise Mauzerall

    Thesis Topic

    Potential Impacts of Climate Change on Virtual Water Trade

    Thesis Adviser(s)

    Ignacio Rodriguez-Iturbe

  • Lee, Jeffrey

    ‘20 Kelley Fellow
    Jeffrey Lee

    Molecular Biology

    HMEI-STEP Topic

    Investigating the State of Antibiotic Research and Development — From Industry to Policy

    HMEI-STEP Adviser(s)

    Andrew Dobson, Laura Kahn

    Thesis Topic

    Gut Microbiome and Antimicrobial Peptides

    Thesis Adviser(s)

    Mohamed Donia

  • Li, Dan

    ‘11 Perkins Fellow

    Civil and Environmental Engineering

    HMEI-STEP Topic

    Can the Hydro-Climatic impacts of Urbanization be Mitigated by Urban Planning Policies?

    HMEI-STEP Adviser(s)

    Michael Oppenheimer

    Thesis Topic

    Boundary Layer Meteorology

    Thesis Adviser(s)

    Elie Bou-Zeid

  • Liao, Wenying

    ‘18 Kelley Fellow

    Ecology and Evolutionary Biology

    HMEI-STEP Topic

    Designing Optimal Trading Network to Reduce Global Nitrogen Pollution From Nitrogen Fertilizer Use While Sustaining Food Yield

    HMEI-STEP Adviser(s)

    Michael Oppenheimer

    Thesis Topic

    Management of Global Nitrogen Cycle: From Understanding Natural Forests to Re-Designing Agricultural Practices

    Thesis Adviser(s)

    Lars Hedin, Simon Levin

  • Lin, Ning

    ‘07 Ford Fellow

    Civil and Environmental Engineering

    HMEI-STEP Topic

    Impact of climate change on hurricane-related risk and decision making.

    HMEI-STEP Adviser(s)

    Michael Oppenheimer

    Thesis Topic

    Hurricane surface wind field and damanage analysis.

    Thesis Adviser(s)

    Erik VanMarcke

  • Little, Christopher

    ‘07 Ford Fellow


    HMEI-STEP Topic

    Constraining eustatic sea-level rise with a hierarchy.

    HMEI-STEP Adviser(s)

    Michael Oppenheimer

    Thesis Topic

    Constraining ocean circulation and basal melting under ice shelves.

    Thesis Adviser(s)

    Anand Gnanadesikan

  • Lloyd, Ian

    ‘09 Ford Fellow

    Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences

    HMEI-STEP Topic

    Geoengineering - hurricanes, climate change and global governance.

    HMEI-STEP Adviser(s)

    Michael Oppenheimer

    Thesis Topic

    Hurricane - climate interaction.

    Thesis Adviser(s)

    Gabriel Vecchi

  • Lockwood, Joseph

    ‘22 Ford Fellow


    HMEI-STEP Topic

    Public-Private Strategies to Reduce Coastal Flood Risk in a Changing Climate

    HMEI-STEP Adviser(s)

    Ning Lin

    Thesis Topic

    Modeling Compound Flood Hazard in an Era of Sea-level Rise and Storm Climatology Change

    Thesis Adviser(s)

    Michael Oppenheimer

  • Loh, Yeong

    ‘01 PEI RISE Fellow


    HMEI-STEP Topic

    HMEI-STEP Adviser(s)

    Erik VanMarcke

    Thesis Topic

    Variations in earth surface temperature.

    Thesis Adviser(s)

    Machael Strauss

  • Losh, Jenna

    ‘10 Ford Fellow


    HMEI-STEP Topic

    Investigating the challenges and prospective for U.S. ocean policy, with recommendations for a successful regime.

    HMEI-STEP Adviser(s)

    Michael Oppenheimer

    Thesis Topic

    The response of marine phytoplankton to increase CO2 under nitrogen limitation.

    Thesis Adviser(s)

    Francois Morel

  • Luxum, Katja

    ‘18 Ford Fellow


    HMEI-STEP Topic

    Transferring Expertise From Geoscientists to Decision-Makers: Applying Choice Architecture to Design Optimal Factsheets

    HMEI-STEP Adviser(s)

    Elke Weber

    Thesis Topic

    Converting Nitrogen Gas into Fertilizer: Physiological Implications of Mo-Independent Nitrogen Fixation

    Thesis Adviser(s)

    Xinning Zhang

  • MacDonald, Luke

    ‘07 Perkins Fellow

    Civil and Environmental Engineering

    HMEI-STEP Topic

    An effective, sustainable treatment strategy to halt the fluorosis endemic in rural villages of Jharkhand State, India.

    HMEI-STEP Adviser(s)

    Burton Singer

    Thesis Topic

    The kinetics of microbially mediated iron reduction and an investigation of related plant-driven redox controls on arsenic and lead mobility in a contaminated wetlan

    Thesis Adviser(s)

    Peter Jaffé

  • Majkut, Joseph

    ‘11 Kelley Fellow

    Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences

    HMEI-STEP Topic

    Implications of Learning about the Carbon-Climate Feedback

    HMEI-STEP Adviser(s)

    Michael Oppenheimer

    Thesis Topic

    Climate-Carbon Cycle Dynamics

    Thesis Adviser(s)

    Jorge Sarmiento

  • Menemenlis, Sofia

    ‘23 Perkins Fellow

    Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences

    HMEI-STEP Topic

    Flood Risk and Tort Law in New York City

    HMEI-STEP Adviser(s)

    Michael Oppenheimer

    Thesis Topic

    Precipitation Extremes and Tropical-Extratropical Interaction in a Changing Climate

    Thesis Adviser(s)

    Gabriel Vecchi

  • Mignone, Bryan

    ‘01 Ford Fellow


    HMEI-STEP Topic

    Political economy of International environmental agreements.

    HMEI-STEP Adviser(s)

    Michael Oppenheimer

    Thesis Topic

    Physical controls on the oceanic uptake and storage of anthropogenic carbon.

    Thesis Adviser(s)

    Jorge Sarmiento

  • Ming, Yi

    ‘01 PEI RISE Fellow

    Civil and Environmental Engineering

    HMEI-STEP Topic

    Cooling potential of aerosol in global climate change.

    HMEI-STEP Adviser(s)

    David Bradford

    Thesis Topic

    Climate impacts of aerosols.

    Thesis Adviser(s)

    Lynn Russell

  • Nogues, Juan P.

    ‘08 Perkins Fellow

    Civil and Environmental Engineering

    HMEI-STEP Topic

    How well input distributions reduce leakage uncertainty in models of CO2 geological sequestration.

    HMEI-STEP Adviser(s)

    Michael Oppenheimer

    Thesis Topic

    Multi-scale methods in carbon capture and storage.

    Thesis Adviser(s)

    Michael Celia

  • Ntelekos, Alexandros

    ‘06 Perkins Fellow

    Civil and Environmental Engineering

    HMEI-STEP Topic

    The implications of ubanization on flood policy: the case of Baltimore, MD.

    HMEI-STEP Adviser(s)

    Michael Oppenheimer

    Thesis Topic

    Flooding of urban environments / modification of weather by urban environments.

    Thesis Adviser(s)

    James Smith

  • Pal, David

    ‘14 Kelley Fellow

    Civil and Environmental Engineering

    HMEI-STEP Topic

    Improving Methane Leakage Mitigation Efforts from Abandoned Oil and Gas Wells

    HMEI-STEP Adviser(s)

    Denise Mauzerall

    Thesis Topic

    Environmental Engineering and Water Resources - Methane Mitigation from Wetlands

    Thesis Adviser(s)

    Peter Jaffé

  • Pan, Da

    ‘16 Ford Fellow

    Civil and Environmental Engineering

    HMEI-STEP Topic

    Investigation of Monitoring Strategies of Atmospheric Ammonia for Ammonia Regulation in the United States

    HMEI-STEP Adviser(s)

    Denise Mauzerall

    Thesis Topic

    Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics/Spatiotemporal Characteristics of Emissions of Ammonia and Nitrous Oxide from Agriculture

    Thesis Adviser(s)

    Mark Zondlo

  • Persad, Geeta

    ‘13 Ford Fellow

    Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences

    HMEI-STEP Topic

    International Policy Implications of the Nonlocal Climate Impacts of Asian Aerosol Emissions

    HMEI-STEP Adviser(s)

    Michael Oppenheimer

    Thesis Topic

    Aerosol/Climate Interactions

    Thesis Adviser(s)

    Venkatachalam Ramaswamy

  • Phillips, Erin

    ‘22 Perkins Fellow

    Ecology and Evolutionary Biology

    HMEI-STEP Topic

    Examining the Political, Social and Economic Barriers to Species Reintroductions

    HMEI-STEP Adviser(s)

    David Wilcove

    Thesis Topic

    Evaluating the Impact of Apex Carnivore Reintroduction on Savanna Mesocarnivores

    Thesis Adviser(s)

    Robert Pringle

  • Powis, Tasman

    ‘18 Perkins Fellow

    Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering

    HMEI-STEP Topic

    Paving the Way for the Safe Commercialization and Peaceful Use of Nuclear Power in Outer Space

    HMEI-STEP Adviser(s)

    Frank von Hippel

    Thesis Topic

    Enabling Future High-Performance Electric Propulsion

    Thesis Adviser(s)

    Igor Kaganovich, Mikhail Shneider

  • Ray, Sujata

    ‘04 Perkins Fellow

    Civil and Environmental Engineering

    HMEI-STEP Topic

    Surface water pollution control in Pakistan.

    HMEI-STEP Adviser(s)

    David Bradford

    Thesis Topic

    Microbial responses to chemical stress.

    Thesis Adviser(s)

    Catherine Peters

  • Reid, Matthew

    ‘11 Ford Fellow

    Civil and Environmental Engineering

    HMEI-STEP Topic

    Economic Incentives for Wetland Restoration through Carbon Offset Markets

    HMEI-STEP Adviser(s)

    Denise Mauzerall

    Thesis Topic

    Environmental Biogeochemistry of Wetlands

    Thesis Adviser(s)

    Peter Jaffé

  • Ricks, Wilson

    ‘22 Perkins Fellow

    Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering

    HMEI-STEP Topic

    Building Zero-carbon Energy Systems Through Forward-looking Policy

    HMEI-STEP Adviser(s)

    Alexander Glaser

    Thesis Topic

    Evaluation and Optimization of Emerging Zero-carbon Energy Technologies

    Thesis Adviser(s)

    Jesse Jenkins

  • Rosenzweig, Bernice

    ‘04 Perkins Fellow

    Civil and Environmental Engineering

    HMEI-STEP Topic

    The development of economically attainable urban watershed management schemes to reduce estuarine nutrient lands.

    HMEI-STEP Adviser(s)

    Michael Oppenheimer

    Thesis Topic

    Modeling the biogeochemical dynamics of storm-water detention basins.

    Thesis Adviser(s)

    Peter Jaffé

  • Satterfield, Barclay

    ‘ Kelley Fellow

    Chemical Engineering

    HMEI-STEP Topic

    Applications of fuel cell technology: vehicles vs. distributed (stationary) generation.

    HMEI-STEP Adviser(s)

    Michael Oppenheimer

    Thesis Topic

    PEM fuel cell performance.

    Thesis Adviser(s)

    Jay Benziger

  • Schwoerer, Michael Patrick

    ‘21 Perkins Fellow
    Headshot of Michael Schwoerer

    Molecular Biology

    HMEI-STEP Topic

    Utilizing Insect-Specific Viruses as a Means of Biocontrol

    HMEI-STEP Adviser(s)

    David Wilcove

    Thesis Topic

    Arthropod Vector Tropism in Flaviviruses

    Thesis Adviser(s)

    Alexander Ploss

  • Sekar, Nitin

    ‘10 Perkins Fellow

    Ecology and Evolutionary Biology

    HMEI-STEP Topic

    The effects of direct payments for conservation on local development in India.

    HMEI-STEP Adviser(s)

    Atul Kohli

    Thesis Topic

    Predicting how the loss of Asian elephants may affect the dispersal of fruiting trees in India.

    Thesis Adviser(s)

    Andrew Dobson

  • Shrestha, Junu

    ‘03 Ford Fellow

    Civil and Environmental Engineering

    HMEI-STEP Topic

    Developing effective mitigation banking policies based on modeling and experimental studies.

    HMEI-STEP Adviser(s)

    David Wilcove

    Thesis Topic

    Cumulative effects of vegetation and nitrates on the redox chemistry of Riparian Wetlands.

    Thesis Adviser(s)

    Peter Jaffé

  • Sima, Matthew

    ‘23 Perkins Fellow

    Civil and Environmental Engineering

    HMEI-STEP Topic

    PFAS Forever Chemicals: Policy Evaluation and Recommendations

    HMEI-STEP Adviser(s)

    Denise Mauzerall

    Thesis Topic

    Investigating the Coupling of Feammox Process and PFAS Biodegradation in Batch Incubation and Constructed Wetland Mesocosms by Experiments and Modeling

    Thesis Adviser(s)

    Peter Jaffé

  • Smyth, Jane

    ‘19 Ford Fellow

    Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences

    HMEI-STEP Topic

    Assessing Vulnerabilities of the Brazilian Energy System to Projected Changes in the South American Monsoon

    HMEI-STEP Adviser(s)

    Michael Oppenheimer

    Thesis Topic

    Investigating the Physical Mechanisms of Monsoon Variability with a Hierarchy of Climate Models

    Thesis Adviser(s)

    Yi Ming

  • Spokas, Kasparas

    ‘17 Ford Fellow

    Civil and Environmental Engineering

    HMEI-STEP Topic

    Policies to Promote Dispatchable, Low-Carbon Electricity Generation to Complement Intermittent Renewable Energy Growth: Evaluation of the Limitations of a Carbon Tax and Alternative Policy Mechanisms to Incentivize CO2 Capture for Flexible Fossil Fuel Power Plants

    HMEI-STEP Adviser(s)

    Eric Larson, Tom Kreutz

    Thesis Topic

    Geochemistry of Reactive Fluids from Subsurface Energy Technologies

    Thesis Adviser(s)

    Catherine Peters

  • Tagkopoulos, Ilias

    ‘06 Ford Fellow

    Electrical Engineering

    HMEI-STEP Topic

    Long-term effects of genetically modified organisms: towards an effective risk assessment methodology.

    HMEI-STEP Adviser(s)

    Lee Silver

    Thesis Topic

    Emerging patterns in dynamically changing artificial organisms.

    Thesis Adviser(s)

    Saeed Tavazoie

  • Tao, Yiheng

    ‘18 Ford Fellow

    Civil and Environmental Engineering

    HMEI-STEP Topic

    Projecting the Energy Landscape in the Midwestern United States in the Next Two Decades

    HMEI-STEP Adviser(s)

    Denise Mauzerall

    Thesis Topic

    Modeling Geological Storage of Carbon Dioxide

    Thesis Adviser(s)

    Michael Celia

  • Tilman, Andrew

    ‘15 Ford Fellow

    Ecology and Evolutionary Biology

    HMEI-STEP Topic

    Climate Action Via a Small but Powerful Coalition Climate Action Via a Small but Powerful Coalition

    HMEI-STEP Adviser(s)

    Michael Oppenheimer

    Thesis Topic

    Common-Pool Resource Management in Fisheries

    Thesis Adviser(s)

    Simon Levin

  • Tjo, Hansen

    ‘23 Ford Fellow

    Chemical and Biological Engineering

    HMEI-STEP Topic

    Land Use Impacts of Lignocellulose-derived Ethanol Production on Corn Farming

    HMEI-STEP Adviser(s)

    David Wilcove

    Thesis Topic

    Advancing Genetic and Metabolic Engineering Strategies for Cellulosic Biofuels Production in Caldicellulosiruptor bescii

    Thesis Adviser(s)

    Jonathan Conway

  • Tong, Tiffany

    ‘08 Ford Fellow

    Electrical Engineering

    HMEI-STEP Topic

    Technology adoption in rural African communities: formulating an evidence-based policy strategy from a study of a model community in Kenya.

    HMEI-STEP Adviser(s)

    Michael Oppenheimer

    Thesis Topic

    Light-emitting devices and photovoltaics for developing regions.

    Thesis Adviser(s)

    Winston Soboyejo

  • Treuer, Tim

    ‘15 Ford Fellow

    Ecology and Evolutionary Biology

    HMEI-STEP Topic

    Can Fertilization of Abandoned Fields Help Stop Climate Change? Additionality, Mechanisms, and Scalability of a Novel Carbon Offset Scheme

    HMEI-STEP Adviser(s)

    Michael Oppenheimer

    Thesis Topic

    Regenerating Tropical Forests

    Thesis Adviser(s)

    David Wilcove

  • Turnbull, David

    ‘10 Ford Fellow

    Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering

    HMEI-STEP Topic

    Nuclear-weapon proliferation risks associated with fusion-fission hybrids

    HMEI-STEP Adviser(s)

    Alexander Glaser

    Thesis Topic

    Ultra-intense laser amplification via raman backscattering - a potential fast ignitor for inertial fusion energy.

    Thesis Adviser(s)

    Szymon Suckewer

  • Wang, Tao

    ‘09 Perkins Fellow


    HMEI-STEP Topic

    Production and consumption based greenhouse gas (GHG) inventories - an incentive and efficiency analysis.

    HMEI-STEP Adviser(s)

    Michael Oppenheimer

    Thesis Topic

    Frictions and externalities in international trade.

    Thesis Adviser(s)

    Gene Grossman

  • Xian, Siyuan

    ‘16 Ford Fellow

    Civil and Environmental Engineering

    HMEI-STEP Topic

    Impact and Value of Information on Flood Risk Reduction Decisions

    HMEI-STEP Adviser(s)

    Michael Oppenheimer

    Thesis Topic

    Coastal Resilience through an Integrated Approach

    Thesis Adviser(s)

    Ning Lin

  • Xu, Shangping

    ‘01 PEI RISE Fellow

    Civil and Environmental Engineering

    HMEI-STEP Topic

    Methane emission from flooded rice paddy soils and wetland sediments: dynamic modeling and optimal resolution strategy search.

    HMEI-STEP Adviser(s)

    David Bradford

    Thesis Topic

    Methane emissions from rice paddies.

    Thesis Adviser(s)

    Peter Jaffé

  • Yang, Huiyan

    ‘02 Perkins Fellow


    HMEI-STEP Topic

    Chinese household energy usage and the black carbon emissions.

    HMEI-STEP Adviser(s)

    Eric Larson

    Thesis Topic

    Global black carbon distribution and its impact on tropospheric photochemistry.

    Thesis Adviser(s)

    Hiram Levy

  • Yau, Siu-Chung

    ‘08 Perkins Fellow

    Civil and Environmental Engineering

    HMEI-STEP Topic

    Government policy and financial mitigation in catastrophe risk management.

    HMEI-STEP Adviser(s)

    Greg van der Vink

    Thesis Topic

    Wind-induced loss estimation of structures.

    Thesis Adviser(s)

    Erik VanMarcke

  • Zhang, Yan

    ‘07 Ford Fellow

    Civil and Environmental Engineering

    HMEI-STEP Topic

    Impacts of atmospheric aerosols on weather and public health - science and policy of China's air quality

    HMEI-STEP Adviser(s)

    Denise Mauzerall

    Thesis Topic

    Precipitation climatology in urban environment.

    Thesis Adviser(s)

    James Smith